All over the world, the Swiss Easytaping approach is a promising part of medical and paramedical treatments.

It is based on the DAMT The Dynamic ArthroMyofascial Translation® Test also called the 4xT®Method "the ArthroMyofascial Therapy".

Easytaping combines neuroreflectory applications with myofascial control. The mechanical articular control and pain relief facilitate quicker functional recovery.

More than 13,000 physio therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, physicians, pelvic therapists, oedema therapists, work out and sports therapists, personal trainers and massage therapists have already been training in taping according to the Easytaping approach.

Taping with Easytape®

Easytape® is generally applied into the direction in which the movement of the skin feels best and the complaints are relieved. That means you apply the tape into the direction that yields functional improvement. Use the flat of your hand to lightly stretch the skin apart. This is the so-called “test” - you are testing out the tape’s application site by stretching the patient’s skin and asking him or her, which direction makes them feel best.

This is the direction in which the tape is then applied. Then you check if movements like walking or running, bending the knee, etc. are facilitated and if the pain has been relieved.

For quicker functional recovery

Easytaping is intended to improve arthrogenic control and stability and thus facilitate exercises and work-out for the user. Injuries, chronic pain and inflammations cause a higher tissue pressure. This again impedes muscles and joints and leads to functional loss. If our body is injured or suffers from pain, it strives to maintain its motility as this is indispensable for recovery. In other words: our body creates compensating mechanisms

Applying Easytape® into the right direction helps the body to compensate. As soon as the tape has been applied the patient will be relieved from pain and enjoy improved motility.


Tamara Griekenspoor-Stam / Master Oncology Physiotherapist

„Better treatment results and patients are pain-free sooner."

Shoulder complaints and shoulder pain frequently due to post-breast cancer surgery. „Scars and radiogenic fibrosis can cause blockades, which keep the patient from properly controlling their shoulder joint. This again may lead to lymphedema in arms or breast and may cause pain“, Tamara explains.

Due to her specialization, Tamara frequently has to do with orthopedic complaints resulting from oncological treatment. „Myofascial release techniques help counteracting blockades caused by scars. Then we apply the 4xT-approach, which stands for testing, triggering, taping and training”, Tamara says.

„Easytape® Lymph & Scar Tape is applied after treatment. Easytape® Lymph & Scar Tape serves to stimulate the drainage of fluids for a long time. This supports increases treatment results and fasten pain-free mobility. The tape is pre-cut into long thin strips. This saves the practitioner a lot of time and effort and applying the tape is easy."